Allow us to give you a taste of what a tpycial retreat day includes, so you can get a feel for what you'll experience. The key to superior health is practicing superior habits. In all our immersions you both learn and practice the better version of yourself, every single day.

One litre of water followed by a morning herbal tonic
You are around 70% water. The latest science is showing us that we can do wonders for our body by starting our day with 1 litre of room temperature water. We follow this up with a shot of activated charcoal or some other detox shot in lemon - ginger water to assist in pulling the toxins out of the body.

Cold pressed juices
Every morning we all enjoy vital juices, super smoothies, tonics or teas prepared fresh. During our Bali cleanse program, we also receive a bundle of colourful Atalantia cold-pressed juices. From satisfying vanilla and chocolate almond milk to root vegetables to coconut water and greens. this is part of our full-spectrum health. Each 500ml cold-pressed juice contains about 3kg of vegetables!
Guided meditation journeys and mindfulness
A guided meditation is a beautiful journey inward. They are a subtley powerful way to focus your energy on the life you choose to awaken to. Combining gratitude, forgiveness, self-love and visualisation techniques, these guided sessions are soul enriching and bring a deep feeling of well-being and peace into your new day.

Yoga & Animal Movements
A healthy body is one where the energy moves through it freely. With classes that alternate from yoga to animal movement training, we start in a way that allows anyone of any fitness level to participate and achieve. As the days progress, we build on our new skills together, adding new challenge and techniques. By the end of the immersion you will be surprised just how flexible, suple as well as strong and agile you now are.
Vibrant Breakfasts
We typically start the day with fresh, tropical fruit and a nourishing chia pudding. Chia is rich in antioxidants, high in quality protein, Omega-3 fatty acids for brain health as well as calcium for strong teeth and bones. Our chefs have also been known to create something new and magical from time to time.

Beautiful moments together

We make sure to include ample down-time so you can read a book, get a tan, splash in the pool, or indulge in one of our hand-picked, local and international quality treatments and healing offers at our onsite Atalantia Spa.
Inspiring Lunches
All our meals are 100% plant-based, gluten free, dairy free, animal free, no soy, no corn, GMO free. We serve up everything from carefully curated wild deliciousness to bits of molecular magic and gourmet garden fare.

Educational workshops
Learn about simple detox protocols that you can take away with you to improve your quality of life. Discover what your limiting beliefs are and how to remove them. Create a map for the life you want to be living. Learn the art of manifestation and so much more. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge to create genuine shift in your life.

Take in the beautiful surroundings, take a walk in nature, do some journaling or enjoy a spa treatment. Reconnect with your intention for being a part of this experience.

The day draws to a close with a wonderful meal with new found friends and with each new day, you feel yourself become as alive as the food we serve you.
Movie nights
Enjoy educational and progressive documentaries on nutrition, health, spirituality, psychology and more. We curate the best of what's out there to feed your mind and soul and expand your thinking to what is possible.

Complete the day with a blissful night's sleep and get the relaxation you deserve, peacefully surrounded by mother nature.
* accommodation varies from experience to experience
Our Vision
Go beyond just another 'holiday'. Give yourself a gift that your body and mind will cherish for long after you return. Join an immersive, inclusive, detox retreat in one of our global sanctuaries, designed to reveal the true you. Give yourself the priceless gift of vibrant health.

Why choose us?
With over 16 years of experience and a reputation for sublime spiritual detox immersions, we consider ourselves experts in your tranquility.
Expect luxurious surroundings, daily soothing yoga, calming meditation and mindfulness, a 3 day colourful juice cleanse, incredible spa treatments, in depth transformational workshops to release old blockages and rewire new beliefs and much more. Come solo or bring a friend or loved one and experience Atalantia.
What to prepare for