Someone who is trying to prevent you from doing something as natural as breathing freely ~ is not your protector, is not your government ~ is not your leader ~ is not operating out of your highest interest ~ it is not for your or others concern ~ it’s to control you and enslave you. Period.
To cover your face with something that restricts the flow of oxygen to your being is dangerous and damaging and can lead to permanent damage, even brain damage if you ask some of the leading experts in the world on the matter. Masks are not proved to prevent the spread of viruses, it’s actually evidence now of the opposite as they are bacterial bombs..
If you about one and a half year ago saw a child covered up in a face mask, I am pretty sure you would think the parents where out of there minds.. now it has become the norm!
To trick a whole world to believe that you need to block the passage of air, restrict your breathing by blocking the area that brings in the very life force itself is total lunacy and criminal behavior.
This stops when you stop thinking that this is all done to protect you! This stops when you refuse to play into a death and disease promoting culture, and start to engage in life and true health ~ which lays beyond any fear mongering propaganda.
Life protects you, nature heals you and moving us further and further from our nature and primal things like BREATHING air is leading us to a dead end!
We don’t need to play into their little theatre 🎭 this all stops when we all refuse to play into this distorted game. Burn the mask 🔥
Breathe ~ freely ~ breathe free from restrictions ~ free form illusions ✨🕊✨ and be a fully embodied human!
Your breath is what fuels life in every single cell of your being. Your breath is the fabric of life, of existence on earth and divinity. Your breath is the deliverer of the spark of life✨