There is a lot going on in the celestial light bodies around the earth at this moment in time and here is one of the channeled messages I received some time back.
If you don’t know what channeling is, it is something that happens when I set myself in a high state of consciousness and the messages come through me ~ they are not of me.. they pour out of me and through my pen 📝 and I write them down📜
It is like turning on a tap and light codes and information flows through me. Here is my most recent channeling:
✨✨Venusian light 🌟 codes transmission✨✨
Venusian temple codes from the temple of immortel ✨🏛✨
Union codes
Codes of union
Calling all lions of light
All light angels✨
All battalions of St. Gabriel
All mystics of the Far East 🌟
All Michelangeloes
Unicorns of the blue north
St. Michael the defender
All of the white brotherhood
Christos the defendor
St. Mary Agostino
May Christos light be with you always
Rainbow warriors 🌈
Warriors of the divine
Your time is here
St. Mary ~ the clear channel of Jesus
Fulfill your own desire ~ by reaching higher✨
Transmute the legends from within
From the Aquarian stream 🌌
Thank you to all the tribal people
All the legends
All the wisdom keepers
All the storyteller
All the flame keepers 🔥
Thank you for containing the gift of life
White light of the lion goddess🐾
Calling all white lions of light
All guardians
All specialists
All alchemists
All heart-centered species
Your time is here✨
Fellowship of the white rose