I’ve written about this a few times before but see the need to revisit this subject.
It is very important to be aware how the mechanism of projections work.
A projection is when you hold an image of someone, made up by your own subjective reality.
It may not even have root in reality. In most cases it is a made up cocktail of your own unprocessed gunk, history, trauma, judgments and insecurities.
You then project that onto a person who has little or nothing to do with the image you are projecting onto them.
I’m writing about it as it is important to not be an unaware participant of this specific trait, and you can minimize your participation in it.
If the person who is projected upon does not have their guard up and they are not skilled in self protection and energy work, they can then mistake the projected image to be themselves.
It can then crawl in under their skin and they start to manifest the image projected upon them and thereby become that image.
The best way to avoid this is:
Nr 1: be aware when you are doing this yourself to others and disengage in the habit. See it for what it is ~ an illusion.
Nr 2: as the Greek saying goes; know thyself.
It is of utmost importance that you truly know your true identity.. I am hereby talking about your light, and do not identify with a shadow of who you truly are.
Know your light and radiate it through. When people then project a lesser image of who you truly are onto you ~ you will get less and less affected.
Your remembrance of your light then functions as your armer. An armer made up of light and the love of self✨
When you have mastered this you shall pass it on to your brotheren & sisteren.
When you look at others search for their light. Look for their soul and then remind them of who they truly are.
Polish this skill, sharpen your sight and then instead of projecting upon others your own lesser stories ~ you pull out their light. You call their highest form into existence✨
This is how we bridge the new earth🌎
This is how we anchor ⚓️ in the new timelines. This is how we serve one another. Anything less than this we throw away now✨✨