The biggest provider of wisdom teachings is nature herself. I love seeing parallels between my life and nature.
When you sit in nature there is a profound sense of acceptance, surrender, and release. There is no need to control, change or rearrange anything.
If you are sitting by a river, you don’t ask the question “why is the river not running the other direction?”, when you sit by a lake you embrace the lake, there is no question about the size of the lake or any need to change the lake.
Same if you are listening to the bird's sing. You don’t ask “why is it only two birds singing, why is it not four birds singing?”.
We can use the same state and analogy that we have in nature with the people in our lives. Accept them as they are, let them be and you will be free.
Too many times to we project on our loved ones that they should be different, they should change to more fit our version of reality. But when we adopt the same state of acceptance and surrender as we have in nature ~ our lives become magically free✨🕊✨
It’s a lifestyle. It's a life path to live more like nature. It’s a practice. And as with anything we wish to be good at in life we need to practice it until it becomes us.
We are not only an extension of nature. We are nature herself. And there is nothing wrong with nature ~ so there is nothing wrong with you. And that also goes for those around you✨🧚🏼✨